Sun Pediatrics


Anxiety In Children, 13 Signs and Symptoms, And Treatment

What Is Anxiety In Children ? Just like adults, children may also become prey to anxiety. According to the statistics ....

Is Your Child Suffering From Spring Fever ?

Spring is one of the most precious times of the year. Blooming flowers, chirping birds and other...

Nature’s Mighty Micro-Minerals

Micro-minerals are also referred to as trace minerals. They include Manganese, Copper, iodine, cobalt...

Most Common Hand-foot and mouth disease in children

Flu is a serious illness in children younger than 5 years of age that leads to thousands of hospitalizations every year.…

Why Vitamin-C Is Important For Your Family

Flu is a serious illness in children younger than 5 years of age that leads to thousands of hospitalizations every year.…

Common Health Problems In Children

Being a parent can be overwhelming. With so much information to keep track of, it’s easy to forget the little …

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