Sun Pediatrics

Vaccinations for Travel

The school year is just about complete. Naturally, that brings up discussions of summer vacation and traveling plans. And if you have plans to travel overseas this summer, you may want to think about getting the proper vaccinations for travel.

Travel Smart: Get Vaccinated

Make sure you are up to date on all recommended vaccinations before traveling abroad. International travel can be a fun and enriching experience, but it can also pose health risks. The type of risks you might face during travel depend on a number of things including:

  • Where you are traveling.
  • Your activities while traveling.
  • The state of your health.
  • Your vaccination history.

Many vaccine-preventable diseases that have become rare in the United States, such as measles and pertussis, are still common in other parts of the world. Certain activities, such as attending crowded events, can increase the spread of infectious disease. No matter where you plan to go, you should get recommended vaccines to lower your chances for getting and spreading disease.

Plan Ahead to Vaccinate

Talk with Sun Pediatrics about needed vaccines when you begin to plan international travel.

  • Schedule a visit with us at least a month before any international travel. You may need this much time to complete a vaccine series, and your body needs time to build up immunity. Find out vaccine recommendations and requirements for your travel destination.
  • Ask about routine vaccines along with your plans to travel. In addition to getting any recommended travel vaccines, make sure you and your family are up to date on all routine vaccines, such as MMR vaccine, before you travel.
  • Check if yellow fever vaccination is recommended or required for your destination and plan ahead. Only a registered provider can offer this vaccine, and you must get it at least 10 days before travel.

Measles and International Travel

Each year, unvaccinated travelers get measles and bring it home. This has sometimes led to outbreaks. The majority of measles cases brought into the United States come from U.S. residents who were traveling abroad.

Vaccination is the best protection against measles. Before going to a foreign country, make sure you and your family are immune to measles. Ask your doctor if anyone in your family needs MMR vaccine. This may include an early dose of measles vaccine for infants 6-11 months of age.

Other Tips to Travel Smart and Stay Healthy

Vaccination is the first step toward staying healthy while traveling. Here are other important ways to avoid illness:

Don’t touch animals, especially monkeys, dogs, and birds. Follow other tips to Be Safe Around Animals.hat the illness can be passed on.

Be careful what you eat and drink. Follow these Food and Water Safety tips.

Bugs (including mosquitoes, ticks, and some flies) can spread serious diseases. Use EPA-registered insect repellent and learn other ways to Avoid Bug Bites.

Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

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Schedule your vaccinations with Dr. Hari of Sun Pediatrics. Once you’ve taken the proper precautions, you’ll feel much better about being adventurous and saying yes to any opportunities that present themselves while traveling. It’s preventative insurance for your health in Cobb County.

Your Pediatrician in Marietta and East Cobb

Sun Pediatrics (678) 501-5601

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