What Is Anxiety In Children ? Just like adults, children may also become prey to anxiety. According to the statistics, one child out of five is commonly suffering from anxiety. All we need to pay attention to is the extent of harm it is causing to our children.
If anxiety starts affecting the well-being of your child, then it is a serious matter of concern. In this blog, we will discuss how anxiety can affect kids and how to deal with it.
Stay tuned!
What causes anxiety in children?
Some forms of anxiety are expected concerning age.
For instance, infants and toddlers fear separation (separation anxiety) from their parents. They start crying and become clingy as soon as they are separated from them.
Preschool kids usually fear animals, insects, rides, or heights.
Most schooling kids develop anxiety on an exam or school test, while others experience goosebumps on the day of the result.
Also, some children fear speaking in public or facing a large audience (social anxiety disorder).
Such kinds of fear and anxiety are usually up to certain age. But it can be a cause of concern if it affects your child’s mental or physical health.
How anxiety can harm your child?
Anxiety can become a problem for children if it starts affecting their day-to-day activities.ED
For instance, we discussed that most students develop anxiety during exam days. But if they are so anxious that they find it difficult to concentrate and manage the way of attempting question paper, it can cause severe anxiety.
It is an alert if you also notice the same thing happening with your child.
Such type of anxiety can affect your child’s emotional and mental well-being. Also, it could lower their confidence, making them inattentive.
Signs and symptoms of anxiety in children
There are several signs and symptoms of anxiety in children. For example, If a child is going through anxiety, they may fail to reveal their emotions. In such cases, you must notify the symptoms of anxiety in them as listed below:
Signs and symptoms of anxiety in young children:
These are the symptoms of anxiety in children who are young (i.e children under the age of 10)
- Bedwetting while sleeping
- Clingy and irritable behavior
- Difficulty in sleep
- Having bad dreams often
Signs and symptoms of anxiety in older children:
- Lack of confidence
- Unwillingness to participate in activities
- Afraid of facing daily challenges
- Find difficult to concentrate on studies
- Loss of appetite
- Anger outbursts
- Easily gets frustrated
- Negative outlook over situations
Ways to heal your child to deal with anxiety
If you notice that your child is experiencing anxiety, there are specific ways by which you can help them to deal with it and overcome this emotion. Let us discuss them.
· Talk to your child
The first and foremost way of helping children with anxiety is to talk with them.
Try to make them comfortable enough to openly speak or discuss with you what exactly is causing this trouble and how they feel in response to it.
This can be highly beneficial for you to conclude the solution to their anxiety.
Also, if your child is mature enough, try to explain to them how anxiety act affects their physical and mental health in a positive tone.
· Have Positive Outlook
Teach them to have a positive perception of every situation.
You can make them understand that anxiety is just a temporary feeling. It should not hinder your outlook on your daily activities.
· Distract them
Try to distract the attention of kinds from the factors affecting them towards the promising ways that cherish them. As soon as they begin indulging in favorable activities, the thought of anxiety will fade.
Distraction, therefore, is one of the best healing therapy for children.
· Calm them down
If your kid is too anxious, calm them down before asking them again and again about the cause. This will make them feel better and help them to express their feelings in a better way.
You can also calm them down by involving them in fun activities such as asking them to draw or write what is making them worried.
Also, you can get your child to make a list of all the factors causing trouble and look at that list once a week and avoid them as far as possible.
· Relaxation techniques
Ask them to follow simple techniques for relaxation such as meditation or breathing exercises such as taking three deep breaths slowly. This they will be able to exhale their frustration.
When to seek a doctor’s help
If you notice your child’s anxiety persisting for a long time and they are showing severe symptoms of anxiety, then you must consult a doctor.
Your goal should not be limited to eliminating your child’s anxiety. Instead, it would help if you taught them practical ways to conquer it. Also, you must not avoid things that cause trouble but show them how to tackle them.
It is time to plan healthy ways for your child to handle anxiety. It is essential to think according to your child’s perception and respect their feelings calmly. If you scold them or show ignoring behavior, it could ruin their condition.
If prolonged symptoms make you trouble, consult with a pediatrician. An expert pediatrician can properly diagnose your child. Also, they will stand as your guide throughout the journey.
If you have concerns about your child’s health, don’t wait to see the consequences. Reach out to us or contact us at Sun Pediatrics.
Important Links:
US Gov Mental Health Resources