Flu season is just around the corner. Let’s talk about some basic ways you can avoid flu season in Alpharetta. Here are some basic facts from the CDC:
The Flu Is Contagious!
Most healthy adults may be able to infect others a day or more before symptoms develop, and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than seven days. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During that time, those people may still spread the virus to others!
Parents and Caretakers Should Set an Example for Kids
Wash Hands
Sounds simple doesn’t it? We typically wash before eating. But do you wash after visiting a park when other children are present? How about after daycare or school? Or after church? Make it a point to wash hands after every activity.
Sneezing and Coughing
If you’re sick, be sure to sneeze or cough into your sleeve or a tissue. Don’t cough or sneeze over people or toys. And if it does happen, be sure to disinfect surfaces.
Vomiting and Diarrhea
This is where many people end up re-infecting themselves or others. Stomach virus (which can involve vomiting, diarrhea or both) continue to shed for 10 days in the stool. If you have a stomach bug at your house, be vigilant in wiping down all surfaces including toilet handles. Sanitize toothbrushes after an illness. Parents who get the illness should avoid preparing food; it’s another way that the illness can be passed on.
Not Sure Whether It’s a Cold or Flu?
If you’re not sure whether your child has the cold or flu, please schedule an appointment today with Dr. Hari of Sun Pediatrics. Dr. Hari is eager to take your call and answer your questions. Don’t wait any longer – it’s almost flu season in Alpharetta.
Visit Sun Pediatrics in Alpharetta
Have more questions about the health and well-being of your children? Ask Dr. Hari of Sun Pediatrics. Dr. Hari is highly recommended by parents. Sun is your local pediatrician in Alpharetta, Marietta and East Cobb.
Fight Flu Season in Alpharetta – Call Sun Pediatrics Now
Call (678) 501-5601
Read more from the CDC here and watch this video with information from the American Academy of Pediatrics.