Sun Pediatrics

8 Things Pediatrician Wish that Parents Knew

Being a parent can be difficult at times. Because, there are times when you don’t know the answers to some questions. Therefore, seeking the guidance of a pediatrician can be the best option in such situations. Here are important things your pediatrician in East Cobb, GA wants you to know.

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  1. Be honest with your child

Many times a child comes to the pediatrician’s office not aware that something unpleasant will happen. This can make the experience worse for everyone. Whether it is a shot or the removal of stitches, don’t keep quiet or lie about it. If they’re prepared it makes the process a lot easier. Reach your pediatrician’s office early and talk with your child.

  1. Trust us on vaccinations

Many studies confirm that child vaccinations are completely safe. Yet we see children come down with serious diseases because their parents decided not to vaccinate. Remember to vaccinate your little one on schedule.

  1. Look at the big picture

Many new parents stress themselves tracking every poop and feeding event. As a result, they often forget to look at the big picture. Is your baby sleeping well? Not in pain? As a parent try to focus on the overall well-being of your child. And if you have any concerns or doubts, ask your pediatrician.

  1. Fever isn’t Always Dangerous

It’s alarming when your child has a fever. But whether the thermometer says 101 or 102 degrees, both are signs of infection. If the fever is high, it doesn’t signify a more severe infection. On most occasions, fever can be managed by keeping an eye on your child.

  1. Don’t Take Your Newborn to Crowded Places

Avoid taking your baby to crowded places at least for the first two months of life. Please keep your baby home before the first set of vaccinations. Also, make sure visitors wash their hands before touching your little one. You are the parents, you set the boundaries to protect your child no matter what others say or think!

  1. Stop Size-Stressing:

At the well visit, parents often ask, ‘What percent is their child at?’ It is not right to stress about the absolute percentile number. Care about your child’s overall growth trend. If there is a sudden drop from the previous measurement then it is a cause of concern.

  1. Quit with the Comparisons

Try not to compare your child’s developmental milestones. Drawing comparisons is only a way to stress yourself out. Being the earliest walker won’t ensure they will be a college athlete. Rather than comparing, talk to your pediatrician in Cumming, GA about specific developmental concerns as we are here to help.

The pressure of these comparisons can cause harmful and unhealthy emotional damage to the child without parents even realizing it.

  1. Share Your Concerns, But Stay on Topic

As a parent, you should come prepared for your visits with your concerns. It is the best place to get answers to all your doubts. But, if the visit is for your daughter, don’t spend most of the time with your pediatrician asking questions about your son.

East Cobb pediatrics


So these are some important things your pediatrician wants you to know. Keep these things in mind to be better equipped to take care of your little one.

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